Privacy Policy

Information in compliance with article 13 of legislative decree196/2003.

This page describes the methods adopted by this website for the treatment of the personal data of users consulting this website.

This information is in accordance with article 13 of legislative decree 196/2003 – Code of behaviour regarding the treatment of personal data of people interacting with the web services of this Internet site.

The information regards this website alone and no other websites that might be consulted by users through links provided here.


Following consultation of this website, the data of users who have been identified or are identifiable may be processed. The proprietor of this treatment is Tecon srl.


The treatments connected with the web services of this site are conducted at the above-mentioned Tecon srl. and are processed exclusively by company personnel or by external specialists for operations regarding maintenance and updating.

No data deriving from this website will be communicated or disclosed.

The personal data furnished by users who forward requests for services or information is used only for the purpose of performing the requested service or supplying the requested information. This data is communicated to third parties only when strictly necessary in order to provide the requested service and is limited to the service alone. 


Navigation data:

During the course of their normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures used in the functioning of this website acquire personal data whose transmission is regulated by Internet communications protocols. 

This information is not gathered in order to associate it with identified users; however, by its very nature, it could lead to the identification of the users through the processing and association of data held by third parties.

This includes data categories such as IP addresses or dominion names used by people connecting to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in reply, the number code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and the computer environment of the user.

This data is treated for the sole purpose of acquiring anonymous statistical information regarding  the use of the website and to control its proper functioning. The data could be used to verify responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the website.

Data that is voluntarily provided by the user:

The optional, explicit and voluntary transmission by e-mail to the indicated addresses of this site comports the ensuing acquisition of the address of the sender, which is necessary in order to reply to the request for services and/or information.


Apart from what has been specified regarding navigation data, the user is free to supply personal data listed on the request forms for services and/or information.

Failure to transmit this information could jeopardize the successful outcome of the request for services/information.


The personal data is processed with automatic and paper instruments only for the time that is strictly necessary in order to perform the purpose for which it was collected and in accordance with  the law. Personal data is processed according to principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. 


The owners of the personal data have the right, at any moment, to obtain confirmation of the existence of said data and to be informed of its contents and origin, and to verify the exactness or request the integration, updating or amendment of the data (art. 7 law decree 196/2003).

As per this article, users have the right to request that data which is treated in violation of the law be cancelled, transformed into an anonymous form or blocked and may, in any case, oppose its treatment for legitimate motives.

These requests are to be sent to Tecon srl.

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