YS5000 Stinger

  • Country: China
  • Period: 2016- 2017
  • TECON SOW: Detailed design of YS5000 stinger

Work description

YS5000 vessel is a heavy lifting vessel that can be equipped with an articulated non-buoyant stinger. The stinger comprises three sections with lengths ranging from 52.0 m to 24 m to reach a total length of 108 m, a total weight of 1540 t and a total number of 13 roller boxes. The stinger is designed to allow the installation of an optional future fourth section. Depending on the sealine size and water depth, the laying operations can be performed using the whole stinger or a shorter configuration obtained by removing section 2 and/or section 3.

Section 1 angle is adjusted by the stinger handling system (SHS) installed on the vessel deck and moved by a push-pull jacking system. Angles between stinger sections are adjusted through variable length linkages.

The stinger is designed to allow the laying operations of pipeline ranging from 6” to 48”.

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