Central Metering & Manifold Platform

  • Client: SAIPEM
  • Country: Persian Gulf
  • Period: 2011- 2012
  • TECON SOW: Detail Design of Jacket and Topside of the CMMP Platform

Work description

The Central Metering & Manifold Platform (CMMP) is part of the Phase 2 development of the Iraq Crude Oil Export Expansion Project (ICOEEP).

The Iraq Crude Oil Export Expansion Project is probably one of the most important strategic projects in the Iraqi Ministry of Oil’s Master Plan with the aim of developing further offshore loading facilities to increase the export capability.

The CMMP is located in the northern Persian Gulf, Iraq, at the Al Basra Oil Terminal location (ABOT). The water depth at site is 27.5m. It is a normally unmanned platform connected to the ABOT facilities by a trussed bridge and provided with a boat landing.

The substructure is a fixed lattice Jacket with rectangular shape in plan and main dimensions of 46m x 50m, provided with an open bay to allow the mating maneuver. The main rows are vertical with no batter. The foundation system is made of No.8 piles (O.D. 60’’) that are driven through the legs and that are connected to the Jacket by grouting the internal annulus. The structure is equipped with No.9 risers (O.D.48”) and No.5 J-tubes located outside the main rows. A riser guard is designed to protect them from possible boat impacts.

The top side is a two levels structure with main dimension of 70mx79m provided with an open frame to sustain the 48” pipe lines and a crane, and housing a two-stories building for technical rooms.

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