• Owner: ENI s.p.a. Div. E&P
  • Country: Italy
  • Period: 2013- 2014
  • TECON SOW: Detailed Design of Fauzia & Elettra Platform Decks

Work description

Fauzia and Elettra Platforms have been installed to exploit the homonymous gas fields. Both Decks are composed by 3 levels:

The Decks are normally unmanned and the access is guaranteed by two boat landings located on platform south and east sides for each platform. To facilitate pre-production the wells drilling has been undertaken utilizing Well Head Modules with dimensions 6.0 x 6.0 m prior to the final installation of each Deck onto the respective Jacket. Deck structures include a davit type crane, a vertical cold vent mast and a purge-burner.

The Fauzia platform is provided with two 30” double completion wells and one conductor spare. A 12” export riser connects the platform to existing Barbara B platform. The total weight is 675 t.

The Elettra platform is characterized by one 30” double completion wells and one conductor spare. Each string is provided with a gas/water separator to treat the gas before export toward existing Bonaccia 8” sea-line. The total weight is 565 t.

Tecon services


FAUZIA & ELETTRA Decks (340.47 kB)

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